Provision of measures to protect minors: concerning possible human trafficking and sexual exploitation of minors


I'm talking about keeping a minor in slavery. The French prosecutor's office forwards statements and complaints to local gendarmes and police, who cover up human trafficking and directly ensure impunity for the exploitation of a minor and impunity for the multiple rapes of a minor boy. The minor boy has no parents or documents. ; The actual slave owners, in order to intimidate the teenager, showed him how they were torturing and killing another teenager who was trying to escape and call for help. I was directly present at the scene of the events of May 17, 2024, May 18, 2024, May 21, 2024, May 22, 2024. The place where I directly encountered the described situation: “Bar-restaurant in Joyeuse” / Bistrot la grand font (La GF) 1 Place de la Grand Font, Joyeuse, postal code 07260, municipal code 07110, country France, region Auvergne-Rhône-Alps, Ardèche department, Largentiere district. Earlier (2023? Or in 2024, before my contact with French law enforcement agencies), questions were already asked about the condition of a teenager (minor) in the above-mentioned restaurant. I will inform the court and the prosecutor (investigator) of individual facts and details indicating the infliction of physical harm and moral suffering on a minor in the position of a slave. - Including facts that can be confirmed by other eyewitnesses (witnesses). Also, in my presence (during an internship), clients were sent to a teenager to negotiate sex after a day of work. The clients were directed to the underage boy at the direction of the restaurant owner, who acted as a pimp in these situations. Due to the fact that the actual slave owners (primarily the manager or owner of the restaurant) watch the teenager around the clock, and watch and listen to recorded videos and audio, the teenager is forced to agree to any conditions of the clients. In case of refusal, the teenager is subjected to torture and threats to be sent to a psychiatric clinic. The above-mentioned threats and physical and mental torture were applied to the minor boy more than once. The teenager was kept in a state of restricted movement (unlawful confinement) and used for other slave labor before and after the restaurant was closed by a veterinary** inspector. (**veterinary services. This branch of the DDPP was created under Napoleon to ensure good hygiene in France's slaughterhouses.) Indeed, in a video that is not available today on the YouTube channel (the archived video will be made public at the request of the court), the removal of the video from public access was made at the request of the slave owner (an organized group posted); in the south of France); the name of the inspector who temporarily closed the restaurant, shown in a video removed from the public - "Gilles Parzy, inspector of veterinary services."), where the restaurant "Bistro la Grand Font (La GF) 1ère Place de la Grand Font, Joyeuse" was inspected, the situation on the young student working there was under sixteen years old. old (the teenager is less than sixteen years old!, currently it is indicated that he is sixteen years old, but documents have not been presented and require verification of authenticity, if documents are available). I inform you that at present the situation seems to have worsened and there are facts of ill-treatment of a minor. I have personal experience of this terrible situation, having worked alongside the teenager described above for several days. I am Ukrainian and did an internship to work as a kitchen assistant. Considering that my specialization, taking into account my current level of French, does not yet allow me to practice the legal profession (jurisprudence) in France. After my appeal to the teachers of my educational institution regarding the violation of the labor rights of a young man who even outwardly seemed younger than sixteen years old, the owner of the restaurant urgently interrupted my internship with him. While packing up at Bistrot la grand font (La GF), 1 Place de la Grand Font, Joyeuse, I noticed a deterioration in the teenager’s physical condition after the weekend. At the beginning of my internship, the young man introduced himself as “Abram” and said that he was an “apprentice,” a student. I noticed the fear and gestures with which Abram made it clear to me that he could not answer some of my questions using an automatic translator and my minimal understanding of French due to the consequences (possible use of torture) and due to constant video and audio surveillance in the above restaurant. Basic video and audio surveillance is carried out in violation of local legislation; hidden surveillance systems are used. I would like to report in a personal meeting with the participation of an interpreter or using video conferencing about other facts, including physical and psychological violence and humiliation against the above-mentioned teenager. The fact that the teenager has never been visited by his parents or siblings raises reasonable suspicion. What I saw was a fictitious (to others) changing into regular clothes after working together in the kitchen, but Abram supposedly lives in the restaurant itself, working part-time and at night. During my internship, the restaurant's non-working day was Thursday, but Abram could remain locked in the back rooms of the restaurant, inaccessible to view through the windows. According to other sources (I can’t yet name the people who shared the information), it is known that the teenager washes rags, napkins and clothes in the restaurant by hand, including at night and on Thursday, when the restaurant was closed to visitors. Open seven days a week! I had two days off, and Abram actually didn’t leave the restaurant and worked only with one official day off—Thursday. But in fact, he could have remained alone and continued working in the restaurant, including cleaning and hand washing! I confirm that the crimes against minors mentioned above continue to this day, and they are being committed and repeated. Namely: trafficking of minors for barbaric torture and sexual violence. Additional verifiable evidence may be supported by laboratory testing, including the use of physical and chemical methods. And the competent judicial police unit(s). I declare that a person under the age of majority who performs unpaid slave labor (exploitation of a minor who has been a victim of trafficking in human beings) for the purpose of defrauding the patrons of the restaurant at the address "1 place La Grande Font, in Joyeuse (postal code 07260, commune code 07110) Arrondissement Largentière , Département Ardèche, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France” periodically and regularly (often several times) creates an imitation tan using soot and overcooked grill dirt and other carcinogens. The above actions are designed to simulate a teenager* visiting the street. *A teenager who worked (works) in the kitchen of the restaurant mentioned above. That is, imitation tanning hides the fact that a teenager acquired as a result of human trafficking does not visit other places except those premises that are under 24-hour video and audio surveillance and belong to persons involved in human trafficking and also pimps. To the complaint filed with the judicial police Minutes no. 00663/2024/000613 The year two thousand twenty-four, June twenty-six, at one twenty p.m. Additional verifiable evidence may be confirmed by laboratory testing, including the use of physical and chemical methods. And the competent (relevant) division(s) of the judicial police. I declare that a person under the age of majority and serving unpaid slave labor (exploitation of a trafficked minor) to deceive visitors to the restaurant at the address "1 place of la Grand font, in Joyeuse (postal code 07260, commune code 07110) Arrondissement Largentière, Département Ardèche, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France", periodically and regularly (often, several times) creates an imitation of a tan, using soot and over-fried dirt from the grill and other carcinogens. The actions mentioned above are intended to simulate the visit of a teenager* on the street. *A teenager who worked (works) in the kitchen of the restaurant mentioned above. That is, the imitation of a tan hides the fact that a teenager, acquired through human trafficking, does not visit other places, except those premises that are under 24-hour video and audio surveillance and belong to people who traffic in human beings and are also pimps. Understanding the criminal liability of providing information to law enforcement, if the information is not true, I confirm the facts stated in today's complaint. But I confirm that a minor is also subject to sexual exploitation. I declare that the minor was subjected to violence for a long period of time and that a large number of people caused (are causing) injuries to the minor boy. The injuries are physical, with damage to the anus and rectum. Physical damage is also present on other parts of the minor's body. These facts can be confirmed by an independent forensic examination. In addition, the minor is subjected to moral torture in the context of continuous work and sexual exploitation, which takes place under continuous video and audio surveillance. The local gendarmerie and the police do not respond to the above facts. Understanding criminal liability, I report signs of cooperation by local law enforcement with human traffickers and pimps. On his identity: "My name is Bielik Mykhailo. I was born on 02 december 1975 in Kyiv (Ukraine). I am of Ukrainian nationality. I live at 15, BD de Lancelot, door 127, in Privas 07000 ( Ardèche), France. My telephone number is +33 7 53 26 31 05 and +380661716405. I agree to receive messages, summons and other documents related to this procedure My email addresses are I confirm my consent to receive Justice in electronic form I give my consent to receive notifications, summons and other documents relating to this procedure. I declare that I speak two languages fluently: Ukrainian and Russian. I declare inaccuracies (gaps) in report no. 00663/2024/000613, namely: the translator was not a sworn translator and was translating from Russian to French. I confirm that the crimes against minors mentioned above continue to this day 'a year, and they are committing and repeating themselves. Namely: trafficking of minors for barbaric torture and sexual violence. Real slave owners, in order to intimidate and achieve unconditional submission of the above-mentioned teenager (who called himself by the name “Abram”), showed (perhaps not only in a video recording, but also in a real situation) how the slave owners’ henchmen tortured and killed another teenager who tried to escape and call for help. Due to the above, and the fact that the teenager was aware of constant surveillance and punishment, including torture, following his previous complaints to local law enforcement, this teenager, a minor, is now required to state that he would voluntarily reside in the described place location and no complaints. That is, now the teenager, who was previously subjected to moral shock and punishment for trying to escape from the slave owners, is forced to answer questions from human rights activists and not only local gendarmes and local police, but also other representatives of the authorities, that he is supposedly voluntarily in the described place. Having lost trust in the authorities and trust in people, the teenager doomedly submits to all the demands of the slave owners, including allowing absolutely the entire existence, the entire life of the teenager, and even physiological functions to be recorded on video. I do not know for certain whether the above-described minor knows or guesses that upon reaching an older age (the age of majority or the appearance of an adult), he will not be released. The practice of this kind of human traffickers allegedly involves the “departure in an unknown direction” of such “exhausted slaves.” Apparently, they are not left alive. Under these conditions, I would be grateful if you would register my complaint in order to take legal action and assert the rights of a dependent and helpless minor and my rights.
