flash drives that work well with GNU Linux / Ошибки распознавания флешек при форматировании из FAT32 в EXT4; USB микроконтроллеры флешки хорошо работающие с Linux

В микроконтроллерах некоторых производителей "флешек" (личный опыт с потерей читаемости флешек Transcend Part Number (TS-) / JetFlash 790 и "Viper" Patriot Memory (PMAP)) 2019-2020 годов (особенно "скоростных" флешек) "заточенность" под работу с файловой системой FAT. Проверено лично: в GNU Linux дистрибутивах не рекомендую переформатировать в EXT4, если нужно загружать файлы размером больше 4 GB, лучше переформатировать не в EXT, а в exFAT. 

In microcontrollers some "flash" manufacturers (personal experience with the loss of readability of flash drives Transcend Part Number (TS-) / JetFlash 790 and "Viper" Patriot Memory (PMAP)) 2019-2020 (especially "high-speed" flash drives) 2019-2020 (especially "speed" flash drives) "sharpening" to work with the file system FAT. Checked personally: in GNU Linux distributions I do not recommend to reformat in EXT4, if you need to download files larger than 4 GB, it is better to reformat not in EXT, but in exFAT. 

ФОТО 1: https://www.premiumusb.com/content/images/sitepremium/blog/inside_usb_BIG.jpg

ФОТО 2: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/aK8AAOSwkXBeFu0R/s-l640.jpg

ФОТО 3: https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/high-quality-penguin-friendly-usb-31-flash-drive-32gb-256gb

High Quality Penguin Friendly USB 3.1 Flash Drive (32GB - 256GB)

"Are you in the market for a high quality fast USB flash drive that you can rely on? Look no further. Our flash drives utilize high quality flash chips and come properly formatted for your particular GNU/Linux use case. Starting off with a standards compliant USB flash drive we format the drive so you can utilize it for data backup, transferring files, or simply as a bootable medium for the latest release of your favorite distribution.
  • Optionally formatted with ext4 and set with the right ACL bits to ensure maximum functionality and use between GNU/Linux systems without having to deal with user permission issues

  • Optionally formatted with fat32 so there is no need to install special drivers on any operating systems

  • Optionally formatted with NTFS for optimal compatibility on larger drives between GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows systems
When you select the ext4 /w acl option under file systems our drives work great for performing offline backups of your data: Check out this video tutorial on how to securely perform a backup up & restore of your entire home folder using Déjà Dup even between different distributions and releases (included with many popular distributions). Check out our extensive documentation & easy to follow video tutorials: Haven't formatted a disk before? Want to learn how? Check out a video demonstration on managing removable disks with GNOME disks. Learn to format, properly utilize, dismount, backup, and repair damaged disks using a graphical desktop application that ships with many major desktop distributions by default."
